[Wise Words] Winner VS Loser

Marketerz, akan ada label (rubrik) baru di MarketingBlog, namanya adalah Wise Words, kami akan memberikan beberapa kata-kata bijak yang mungkin bisa menjadi landasan kehidupan kalian saat kalian menemukan masalah, atau hendak memilih sesuatu, dan lain-lain. Yang pertama ini adalah mengenai Winner ( Pemenang ) dibandingkan dengan Loser ( Pecundang ). Silahkan dibaca, enjoy it !!

The WINNER is always part of the answer;
the LOSER is always part of the problem.
The WINNER says,"Let me do it for you;"
The LOSER says,"That's not my job."

The WINNER sees an answer for every problem;
The LOSER sees a problem in every answer.
The WINNER goes through a problem;
The LOSER goes around a problem and never gets to it.

The WINNER says,"It may be difficult, but it's possible;"
The LOSER says,"It may be possible, but it's too difficult."
The WINNER thinks,"I'm good, but not as good as Ishould or could be."
The LOSER thinks,"I'm not as bad as some of the others."

The WINNER makes commitment;
The LOSER makes promise.
The WINNER focuses the gain
The LOSER focuses the pain

The WINNER is like a thermostat;
The LOSER is like a Thermometer.
The WINNER makes it happen;
The LOSER let it happen.

Quiters never win;Winner never quit

Sumber : Salah 1 message di FB (t11)
2 Responses
  1. Anonim Says:

    hue..ampun dah..apik2!aku suka!hahahah..

  2. olga Says:


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